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Aims & Objectives

Aim: To make a simple AI application, in which uses the Google Vision API in order to recognise an object from picture and return what it is.


  1. To explore different C# apps, which are using AI to get an initial idea how to start,
  2. To design simple User Interface for application,
  3. To practice implementing Google Vision API and check if there are any bugs and eliminate them if they exist,
  4. Consider if the application is working in the way I want it to work. Explore different applications like my to compare and check if there is something that is missing,
  5. Do final touch for my application and implement everything that is missing, and test the application manually.


  1. Thank you for sharing your aims and objectives, remember to keep on top of the blog posts and add posts about your research essay topic and continuing posts about the progress of your research into your major project theme. You should have initial ideas development and research essay subject added by the next session on Tuesday.


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