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Fruit Recognition Simple GUI

Recently, I have made a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) for purpose of checking the application behaviour and to determine if there are any bugs so far. To design a small and not complicated UI like this we do not need to use paper and pencil, instead we can think what is really needed and start to creating the GUI.

  1. Picture area. After dropping picture over the "Drag and Drop" area (#4) picture comes up in area with number 1.
  2. Label area - Area in which the program will show the responses from the Google API with a labels correspondingly to recognised image content.
  3. Score area - responses from the Google API about score of the current element in per-cents. To clarify, probability that the label is the same object as the one on the picture
  4. Area to drag and drop image for Google API and to show in the Picture area (#1).
  5. Progress bar.
  6. Status bar.

I also prepared a small video to show how the GUI looks and works so far "in action".

Up to this point everything works as I expected. However, there are minor bugs, which are easy to solve, Eg.:
  • dragged and dropped picture, which does not contain picture of fruit comes up in picture box area,
  • pictures dragged and dropped straight from the internet browser throws exception
These are the only bugs I have found so far.

Further plans:
  • Implement different options for recognition like facial recognition with smile score, recognition of other objects than only fruits,
  • Redesign UI (probably in Universal Windows Platform) to provide better user experience and in-app look

As my outcome, I have learn how to design and work with simple user interface and how to quickly organise elements to work with the Google Cloud.

To conclude, in this blog post I showed how my project is looking so far. Furthermore, there is small explanation of elements that I have in my application and small demonstration how it is working.


  1. Great project development post! You have used screenshots and added a video, which shows a good range of tech and appropriate choice. This shows how you are using your skills and also reflection on what you have discovered so far. I'm very impressed with your engagement with the project so far. Well done!


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