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Showing posts from May, 2018

Survey results and analysis + SWOT Analysis

In the last weeks I have created a survey to gather informations, which can potentially give me some ideas about my software and how I can improve it in order to fulfil expectations of potential clients. To analyse all of data gathered I used charts that were generated automatically in the Google Forms and SWOT Analysis of data in charts. In the first part of my survey I am asking respondents about themselves do predict if there are any chances that they are on some higher positions in companies that they are working for. The variation of both higher age and higher education - age 30+ and bachelors level of education and above makes possibilities that the respondent is currently on some higher position. I decided to use this variation instead of asking respondent directly, because I am aware of that maybe not everyone want to share such information with survey even if they are anonymous. As we are able to see on the chart there is an impressive number of people who have educati...


I finished making my survey and uploaded the link to google Computer Skills and Research Google Community to have respondents from our class. Questions that I am asking in my survey will help me to improve product and choose a target market in which I need to aim in order to successfully sell and distribute my product to gain the biggest revenue. My questionnaire have 7 sections for different categories of questions. Two first questions are there to have some knowledge about my surveyors, question 3-5 is about image recognising / processing software, 6th question is question about company that surveyors are using ai in - this question is important to determine the needs of market and check whether the market is not full yet. The last section is only thank you section to finish survey. So far I have 13 responses, but I currently trying to have more by sharing the link on reddit and I hope that going to work well and I will be able to gain at least 100+ responses. In my opinion...

Process of making questionnaire for potential clients / users of my softa

During today's class I started developing a questionnaire to ask potential users of my software about questions related to my Fruit Recognition tool. Theoretically, with gathered information I can determine if my target market like industries, government or students are likely interested in my software. Further, I can ask questions related to functionality and problems that occurs during using of Fruit Recognition. As my main object of interest as market target are industries like food / fruit factories I need to check what is the education and age of my respondents to determine whether the person is a manual worker or manager for example. As a second step and completion to first one I need responder to provide some more information about them profession and revenue to visualise what kind of company it possibly could be. With such information gathered from my survey responder I can decide how should the software works and look like, Eg. for students the user ...

Back-end of application - C# and the Google Vision API

In this post I will be writing about following: Connecting the Google Cloud Vision API to C#, benefits of using this API, why I choose the Vision API, code written to make my software working, bugs that I need to solve in future versions Connecting API to C# To use Google Cloud API's we need to configure and download account credential '*.JSON' file. To work with the Google Vision API we need also to reconfigure our windows settings by adding path of JSON file to our environmental variables, which you can see below As we finish adding our environmental variable we can go further to the next step, which is preparing our programming language to work with API, in this case C#. Firstly, I have downloaded NuGet Google Cloud package to work it Secondly, after we configured everything successful we can import Google package to call it after in code. To do that in C# we need following 'using' statement With this last step I am fully configure...

Fruit Recognition Simple GUI

Recently, I have made a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) for purpose of checking the application behaviour and to determine if there are any bugs so far. To design a small and not complicated UI like this we do not need to use paper and pencil, instead we can think what is really needed and start to creating the GUI. Picture area. After dropping picture over the "Drag and Drop" area (#4) picture comes up in area with number 1. Label area - Area in which the program will show the responses from the Google API with a labels correspondingly to recognised image content. Score area - responses from the Google API about score of the current element in per-cents. To clarify, probability that the label is the same object as the one on the picture Area to drag and drop image for Google API and to show in the Picture area (#1). Progress bar. Status bar. I also prepared a small video to show how the GUI looks and works so far "in action". Up...