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Computer ethics

As I am making a software, which will be about artificial intelligence and also as this is software, which someone else need to download I am considering the following:

  • My software should not interfere with my potential users computer. As I am using an AI provided by google, so I do not need to save files as outcome from my program. The one and only thing I need is access to pictures and to the internet to connect with API.
  • My program should contain some sort of protection to avoid users to share the documents from the computer and other private data. Also the connection between users computer, my fruit recognition program and Google Vision API should be encrypted, however not necessarily as there are only fruits to recognise, but if for eg. I will be willing to make a program, which recognised level of someones smile, so that kind of data should be encrypted as we are using someones face.
  •  My application also should not use users data like password and users name and fortunately there is no need to store that kind of private data in my software 


  1. Great context to your own project and the issues you may face in your software development. Could you give the actual commandment that fits these points? Although you are using fruit as part of your recognition program, it is good to think about the future development, as it may then be used for facial recognition, as an example.

  2. Thank you Carrie for your comment. I recently added a new blog post in which I am writing more information about my future app development. Also I added some information about bugs I have faced in my software. To read more check the following link - or simply go to my blog post called Fruit Recognition Simple GUI


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