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Showing posts from February, 2018

Database in my E-Commerce website

Why Do I need a Database in my E-Commerce website Database in my store is essential as I am providing digital wallet and cryptocurrency <---> pound exchange, so I need to know how much every user is spending on which cryptocurrency to improve my services. Tabular Database in excel allows me to filter different things , for example I am able to filter customers by cryptocurrencies they are buying or amount they spent on cryptocurrencies and this is very useful feature of databases. Filtering is also very useful when you need to find contact to one of the users. Filtering and other features of database are useful when you need to make some sort of statistics to improve services that you are providing to customers. How would I collect data from customers Most of the data from customers will be collected as soon as new customer register. There will be also feature of updating the data user provided at register to different one. Another part of data that I wil...

Database - Terminology

1. What is database Database is a organised collection of some data that can be easily accessed and managed through backend of some program, website or terminal/command prompt. To access our data we are using commands like: INSERT, SELECT, ORDER BY, DELETE, ETC. This commands are easy to use because most of them are in plain english language and intuitive. There is two types of database. Relational and not relational database. Relational databases: MySQL SQLite Non-relational databases: MongoDB Azure Cosmos DB 2. Benefits of using a Database Using databases is very beneficial as DB can store info about our products, product properties and others as an example: Product name, availability, price, users, user privileges, comments, etc. As database can handle simple operations, we can use it to log in user. How log in in database can look like in simple words:  User inputs username and password, server makes a query to database with g...

Product DB

This is how my Product Database on WIX look like. I am using a wix database from template to store my products. Database on my website is used to keep inventory of my products. In few words database can store price, product name, unique ID to recognise product, boolean values to tell user if product is available or no, and there is many more features when using a database on website.

HTML code in my website

I am embedded an html code in my website for title of general category, which is on every product page. <!DOCTYPE html> <html>   <body>     <h1 style="font-size: 2em; color: #002fae">CRYPTOCURRENCY</h1>   </body> </html>

Competitor's website - research and comparison with my page

Our Task is to research following things on competitor's website: About Contact Product / services pages Returns Policy Terms of Service Privacy Policy F.A.Q.  1. About Page About page exist to inform visitors what is the page about. Provides some general information about webpage or company. 2. Contact Contact page on my competitor site does not allow users to contact directly with the company. There is only information about social media and link to a support page. 3. Products / services pages (I am not user so I do not have full access to products) As I am not user of this page, I do not have access to stock exchange. Site provides some of the most important and common products. 4. Returns Policy - No returns are available 5. Terms of Service page Main purpose of this page is to inform users if the page for example what is the risk of using this website, security that site provides, information about how to become a user and h...